Elam Baptist Church
Jones County
History & Heritage, Inc
Elam Baptist Church Marker reads:
Historic Elam Baptist Church was constituted sometime before October 1808 largely through the interest and benevolence of Reverend Henry Hooten. Originally meetings were held under a brush arbor located in the vicinity of the present location. Soon a wooden structure was erected and became known as Hooten’s Meeting House. On July 28, 1812 Rev. Hooten deeded 3 ¾ acres of land to ‘Elim’. The original building was of simple log construction, followed by a primitive frame building, and in 1893 a more modern building was built with many additions that followed. The business of the church continued as usual during the great civil strife of 1861-1865. During the Northern Army’s trek through Georgia in 1864, the invading forces made camp in the vicinity of Elam using the pews for horse troughs. Later the pews were used for wainscoting when the sanctuary was remodeled in 1959. The building burned on July 21, 1994, and the present building was dedicated on October 27, 1996.