East Juliette
Jones County
History & Heritage, Inc
East Juliette Marker reads:
The Glover Community established in 1872 and later renamed East Juliette is located on the Ocmulgee River. A textile mill was erected in the early 1900's and employed between 175-250 people. Approximately 131 homes were built by the mil company to house their employees. A community church served as the first school. In 1939 a new school was built, serving around 100 students each year in grades one through nine. Eight wells provided water to the residents until 1941 when a treatment plant was built which shipped water to all the houses. Free electric power generated by the milling company was available. East Juliette residents were served by three grocery stores. A toll bridge over the Ocmulgee River operated until 1941 when the toll was eliminated and in 1976, a new concrete bridge was built. The mill burned down in March 1980 and workers relocated to find employment.
Marker placed by Jones County History and Heritage, Inc.
February 2023